Fulfilling Potential: 5 Ways For Black Men To Develop Their Creative Style & Art
Here are a few tips that might help you with these efforts.
Focus Less on Tech and More on Style
Don’t Be Afraid of the Casual Look
Learn a New Skill
Really, there are no limits as to what you might try. But whatever interests you, it may surprise you to learn how rewarding a new skill can be as a creative pursuit.
Consider an Artistic Career
There’s a belief among many that men are supposed to pursue careers in fields perceived as serious or “manly,” like business, finances, or law – and that any career that doesn’t require you to wear a suit should be avoided. However, while there’s nothing wrong with those careers, sometimes finding your own style and expressing your persona requires that you go your own way, so to speak – and potentially find something more demanding of your creativity.
There are various careers in digital media that fit this description and provide good job opportunities – such as graphic design, digital media, and even UX specializations. Jobs like these help you to tap into your own vision and create a true portfolio of work that is uniquely yours. Meanwhile, if digital creativity isn’t your thing, the widespread transition to remote work has also led to more people pursuing fields like writing, and artistic design – both of which you can get into in a freelance capacity. And there is also a push to get more men into teaching jobs – which tap into creativity and expression more than just about anything!
We could go on, but the bottom line is that if you feel creatively unfulfilled in your job, there are options through which you can find a truer form of professional expression.
Try Creative Hobbies
Finally, think about what you’re really getting out of your hobbies. Because while media and ads are constantly bombarding us with images of men preparing barbecues or working with wood, the notion of a traditional manly hobby is evolving. While the aforementioned activities and others of their ilk remain common (or at least commonly recommended), it’s becoming less unusual for men to branch out.
Today – perhaps in part due to the pandemic and those long, lonely hours we all had to fill – men appear to be pursuing just about every hobby under the sun. Maybe you want to research, plant, and look after your own vegetable garden. Or maybe you finally want to teach yourself how to play a guitar, or create high-quality illustrations of your favorite film characters. Whatever interests you, go ahead and give it a real shot! A hobby is a form of personal creative expression, and all too many men forget it in order to focus on what they feel they should enjoy.
Ultimately, it’s all about how you want to express yourself. But we hope these tips will help you toward unleashing your stylish, creative persona as a modern-day Black man.
Article contributed by Jenny Roth exclusively for A Few Wood Men.