Why Black Men's Health Matters?
May is National Blood Pressure Month and High Blood Pressure also known as hypertension impacts Black men more than any other group in the United States. This is why Black Men's Health Matters. At A Few Wood Men, our mission has always been to empower Black Men with healthy representation by rewriting the narrative of being absent and aggressive to active and anchored through building, healing, and success.
Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is known as the silent killer and helps contribute to other health problems such as stroke, kidney disease, blindness, dementia, and heart disease.
There is not a known cure, instead holistic and traditional doctors recommend keeping an eye out on high blood pressure by making lifestyle changes that provide a better quality of life. This is why Black Men's Health Matters.
Many statistics show that men on average do not go to the doctor as much as women, and black men specifically do not go at even higher rates. An A Few Wood Men knows that it is not only important to stay in tip-top shape, but it is also vital for his family.
Maintaining your health requires a level of responsibility, dedication, and in a sense confidence, as the better you feel about yourself and your health, the better you will, in essence, treat your body.
Black men's health matters because your health is your currency. #Blackwealthishealth and an A Few Wood Men is a healthy man.
Below are some recommendations for those A Few Wood Men that are wanting to get a tackle on managing high blood pressure:
-Regularly check your blood pressure numbers
-Regularly attend doctor’s visits or to a minimum your annual or bi-annual visit
-Participate in regular fitness activities. You can increase activity by committing to being active at least 15 minutes per day
-Avoid Smoking. You don’t want to ruin the moment with your lady or family smelling like smoke; attempt to limit the number of smoking sessions per day
-Avoid Amounts of Salt Intake. Remember that less is more with your salt intake
-Fitting into your new AFWM wardrobe is motivation to get a handle on a few meals with fewer portions
-Manage Stress Levels by taking a break. You can take a walk, take a nap, or go to the gym to avoid internal pressures that can transform into stress.
-Limit Alcohol. There's nothing like having a good time, but limiting the number of drinks not only improves your health, it allows you to be present in the moment.
Black Men's Health Matters because an A Few Wood Men is a healthy man. Our health is our wealth; #blackhealthiswealth.